Jun 20, 2020

Author J K Rowling may be loved by a whole generation of Harry Potter fans and a supporter of many progressive causes, but even she it seems is not safe from the trans thought police. Her crime? To believe that biology is fixed and a man cannot become a woman.

Rowling has been in the sights of the trans inquisition since last December when she tweeted her support for Maya Forstater, a tax specialist who was sacked for tweeting ‘transphobic’ comments.

The witch hunt recommenced earlier this month when Rowling inadvertently revealed in a tweet that she was reading a book about Maria Maclachlan. She was assaulted by a trans-woman (a man living as a woman), Tara Wolf, at Speakers’ Corner in 2017. Worse, the tweet ‘misgendered’ Wolf – used he instead of she – leading the Twitter warriors to accuse Rowling of being unsafe around children for not affirming transgender identities. Incredibly, one GP from Liverpool even likened her to Jimmy Saville.

Undeterred, a few days later Rowling tweeted, in response to a report referring to ‘people who menstruate’: ‘I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?’

Well, that really set them going. Condemnations for heresy piled in, with Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint taking it upon themselves to inform the author of the error of her ways.

Responding graciously, Rowling penned a long-read setting out her thinking and explaining that while she supports trans rights she doesn’t think people change sex.

This did not seem to assuage the mob, but one transgender writer at least has come to her defence. Debbie Hayton, a trans-woman (a man living as a woman) wrote an article in The Times saying he agrees with her that ‘biology is not transphobic’. ‘Men cannot become women by some leap of faith, and magic belongs in Harry Potter, not in real life,’ he wrote.

At C4M we’re glad that people like J K Rowling are prepared to stand up for the truth about being male and female.