May 18, 2024

The Rev Dr Bernard Randall, a Church of England minister, has faced severe repercussions for upholding the Church’s own doctrine on real marriage. Our conversation explores the motives and implications of his ordeal. You can watch the full video of our discussion here.

Rev Dr Randall shares his shocking experience, which followed a sermon at a Church of England school. In the sermon, he suggested that it might be acceptable to believe what the Church teaches about marriage and sexuality. He simply said: “You may accept the teachings of the Church of England on matters of marriage.” For this, he was not only dismissed from his position but also reported to a terrorist watchdog – an absurd overreaction for adhering to Church doctrine.

This case, he says, highlights how “the decline of religion in our society” has led to a shift away from Christian values. He emphasises the importance of “living by truth, even if you lose your job”.

Despite being exonerated by the secular authorities, Rev Dr Randall remains unable to work for the Church of England, leaving him and his family in a precarious situation. His case also highlights the troubling issue that individual perpetrators often face no consequences for their actions, even when they are clearly in the wrong.

This ordeal, he says, is a stark reminder of the necessity to support and promote man/woman marriage. Yet, discussing marriage in a positive light has become controversial, even within church-affiliated institutions.

In advising others facing similar challenges, Rev Dr Randall encourages finding like-minded individuals and building support networks.

His ongoing legal battles, supported by the Christian Legal Centre, aim to set precedents that protect freedom of expression regarding real marriage. His steadfastness serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the importance of standing by and expressing our beliefs.

C4M supporters come from all faiths and none, and from all political persuasions. What unites us is the belief that real marriage is the stabilising bedrock of society. The Church of England, of all organisations, should understand this as well.