Oct 5, 2024

Pope Francis this week opened a month-long Vatican summit focusing on key issues facing the Roman Catholic Church, including same-sex blessings. I caught up with Dr Gavin Ashenden, a former Anglican bishop and chaplain to the late Queen, who offers valuable insight into these pressing matters. The full interview can be viewed online here.

Dr Ashenden reflects on the Catholic Church’s historical stance that “nobody can change Catholic Doctrine”, and expresses concern over recent developments allowing blessings for same-sex unions. He notes that marriage between a man and a woman is not simply a tradition but a reflection of biblical and anthropological truths, integral for the proper upbringing of children and society’s well-being.

He also speaks candidly about his past struggle with the “Gospel of nice”, explaining that he fell for the emotional blackmail of affirming same-sex relationships for about ten years. “I gave way to the blackmail that… if you don’t affirm these characteristics…you will damage us.” However, he eventually recognised that this compromise was inconsistent with his faith.

Dr Ashenden underlines the dangers of conforming to societal pressures, calling for a return to a strong, clear defence of real marriage.

C4M supporters come from all faiths and none. What unites us is our shared belief in the essential role of man-woman marriage in maintaining a stable and flourishing society. While other institutions may waver, C4M stands firm. We call on all Roman Catholics—Cardinals and Pope Francis included—to uphold the timeless value of true marriage, the bedrock of human community.