Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Top tips for making marriage valued again

In our third compilation, interviewees from around the world comment on how to bolster man-woman marriage in ...

Jan 6, 2024

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Revitalise education by restoring real marriage

This week’s video compilation from 2023 highlights the challenges faced by real marriage values in education. ...

Dec 30, 2023

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Those who stood firm for real marriage

In the first of three compilations from 2023, individuals share their powerful narratives of standing firm in ...

Dec 23, 2023

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Gay couple legal rights compulsory, says ECHR

The European Court of Human Rights ruled last week that the lack of legal recognition for same-sex couples in ...

Dec 20, 2023

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Scottish trans Bill lawfully blocked by Westminster

A senior judge has ruled that the UK Government acted lawfully when it vetoed the Scottish Government’s ...

Dec 13, 2023

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Interview: “Kids aren’t made to bear the weight of grown-up sexuality”

In a recent conversation with Jeff Johnston from US-based Focus on the Family, he explores how the ...

Dec 9, 2023

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Interview: Ian Paul – Church of England “trying to square a circle”

Rev Dr Ian Paul offers crucial insights following November’s Synod, reaffirming the Church of England’s ...

Dec 2, 2023

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Interview: One person can make a difference!

Clare Page shares her story of how one woman influenced politics at the highest level. Her efforts have ...

Nov 25, 2023

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US states allowing couples to reject easy divorce

As countries make divorce ever quicker and easier, some US states have found a way to fight back against the ...

Nov 22, 2023

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My interview with David Burrowes, the former MP who spearheaded the campaign against David Cameron’s ...

Nov 18, 2023

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Last month’s party conferences discussed several issues connected to real marriage. We’ve produced a new ...

Nov 15, 2023

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Interview: Former bishops’ advisor discusses C of E same-sex blessings

The C of E’s House of Bishops has announced that blessings for same-sex couples will soon be able to be used ...

Nov 11, 2023

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