Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.


In a statement issued this afternoon, the Vatican’s doctrinal body, together with the Pope himself, affirms ...

Mar 15, 2021

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Tony Rucinski Interviews Andrea Williams

C4M’s Director of Supporter Strategy Tony Rucinski caught up with Andrea Williams recently to talk about why ...

Mar 10, 2021

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Police Backtrack: It’s Not Illegal To Offend

A police force in England has issued a humiliating apology after launching a billboard that incorrectly ...

Mar 2, 2021

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Motherhood Has Been Saved For The Nation

In recent days, a tiny seven-clause piece of legislation threatened to airbrush motherhood from the statute ...

Feb 26, 2021

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Norman Wells Remembered (Part 2)

Our series of interviews continues with the second of a two-part retrospective on the life and work of former ...

Feb 25, 2021

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ONS U-Turns On Self-ID Census Question

Controversial plans to allow people to ‘self-identify’ as the opposite sex on this year’s census for England ...

Feb 20, 2021

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Norman Wells Remembered (Part 1)

During lockdown C4M’s Tony Rucinski has been speaking online with several high-profile individuals who have ...

Feb 13, 2021

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Threats Made To Lawyer In Marriage Case

A top barrister has said that despite receiving “abuse and threats” she will not step down from a legal case ...

Feb 6, 2021

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Good News: BBC Caught Out Again, Pulls 100 Genders Video

Back in September 2019 we wrote to you about a BBC Teach video series which told 9-12-year-olds there are ...

Jan 27, 2021

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‘Back Marriage In Tax System’, Says Think-Tank

A report supported by a cross party group of MPs has called on the Government to recognise marriage in the tax ...

Jan 19, 2021

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Humanists Attack MP For Supporting Marriage

Humanists UK has criticised the appointment of Conservative MP Fiona Bruce as the Prime Minister’s new Special ...

Jan 12, 2021

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Trade Unionist: ‘Stop The Witch-Hunt Against Marriage Supporters’

‘Blue Labour’ thinker Paul Embery has called on liberals and the Left to “stop the witch-hunt” against people ...

Jan 5, 2021

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