Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Marriage rates hit an all time low

Figures released by the Office for National Statistics on February 28th revealed the full impact of the ...

Mar 7, 2018

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Scottish transgender proposals threaten the family

We have published our guidance for supporters on the Scottish Government’s proposed changes to the 2004 Gender ...

Feb 22, 2018

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Westminster threatens to vote on same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Karen Bradley has said that in the event of a private member’s ...

Feb 22, 2018

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US lawmakers: same-sex marriage is parody marriage

A group of legislators in South Carolina have proposed renaming all marriages not between a man and a woman as ...

Feb 22, 2018

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Article: Family breakdown is the social problem of the age – the Government must do more

For those who are interested here is an extract from an article I have written for the Conservative Woman blog ...

Feb 19, 2018

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Labour MP’s disgusting slur on traditional marriage supporters

A leading Labour backbencher has equated banning same-sex marriage with the practice of slavery. In a House of ...

Feb 15, 2018

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A letter to the Justice Secretary on fault-based divorce

Supporters may have read the story in the Times on February 5th in which David Gauke MP, Lord Chancellor and ...

Feb 14, 2018

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Victory as ONS retains same-sex marriage statistics

The Office for National Statistics has backtracked on a plan to combine traditional and same-sex married ...

Feb 7, 2018

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Relationships and Sex Education: a guide to the call for evidence

Today we launch our guide on responding to the call for evidence on Relationships and Sex Education and PSHE ...

Jan 19, 2018

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C4M in the news: January 2018

Last week I spoke to the Telegraph about a new report which linked an increased rate of mental illness among ...

Jan 16, 2018

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Good news as the Government reconsiders transgender plans

The Government is reconsidering a proposed change in the law which would allow adults to choose to change ...

Jan 2, 2018

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Article: The Government should not be supporting ‘marriage-lite’

For those who are interested here is an extract from an article I have written for the Conservative Woman blog ...

Jan 2, 2018

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