Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Supporters of traditional marriage are being treated as ‘bigots’

A top judge in the US has warned of hostility to traditional marriage supporters. Supreme Court Justice Samuel ...

Mar 28, 2017

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You won’t believe what happened when these people opposed same-sex marriage

Same-sex marriage was pushed through the UK Parliament on a wave of fashionable opinion. Endorsed ...

Mar 15, 2017

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Kids could be taught about gay marriage under Relationships Education plans

MPs have given the go-ahead to controversial new plans for Relationships Education in primary schools across ...

Mar 13, 2017

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‘Marriage-lite’ case fails at Court of Appeal

A heterosexual couple who want a civil partnership have lost their case in the Court of Appeal.

Feb 22, 2017

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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Heterosexual couple lose civil partnership challenge BBC

Feb 21, 2017

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We turn 5 today

On 20 February 2012, Coalition for Marriage and its national petition were launched. Within 1 day, 15,000 ...

Feb 20, 2017

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‘Equality Oath’ threatens supporters of traditional marriage

The Government has backed the alarming idea of introducing an ‘Equality Oath’ for everyone who holds public ...

Feb 14, 2017

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Tuesday, 13 February 2017

Our excluded need to feel more British, and we can help them The Times

Feb 14, 2017

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Same-sex marriage ruled out in Poland

Pro-gay lobby groups will not force Poland to redefine marriage, its President has said. President Andrzej ...

Jan 27, 2017

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Church schools must support gay marriage says Govt integration tsar

Dame Louise Casey has labelled church schools supportive of traditional marriage as ‘homophobic’. She even ...

Jan 12, 2017

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Monday, 09 January 2017

Religious extremists are infiltrating other schools in the same way as in the Trojan Horse scandal, ...

Jan 11, 2017

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Was Lord Carey portrait removed from London uni because he supports traditional marriage?

Lord Carey’s portrait at a London university has been removed – apparently all because he has the temerity to ...

Dec 23, 2016

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