Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Not bowing to the crowd over gay marriage? Then face being called a bigot…and worse

Being labelled a bigot and even losing your livelihood is what faces those who stand up for true marriage, ...

Nov 6, 2015

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Same-sex marriage stopped at Stormont for the fifth time

Once again a motion calling for the redefinition of marriage in Northern Ireland has been stopped at Stormont. ...

Nov 4, 2015

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Monday, 02 November 2015

Same-sex marriage: Proposal wins assembly majority but fails over DUP block BBC News Northern Ireland same-sex ...

Nov 2, 2015

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Radio 2’s Chris Evans: ‘Marriage doesn’t work at all anymore’

C4M has hit back at Radio 2 presenter Chris Evans after his attack on marriage on national TV at the weekend.

Oct 13, 2015

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EDOs: Latest warning of possible prosecution for same-sex marriage opponents

The Daily Mail columnist Andrew Pierce is the latest journalist to warn that Extremism Disruption Orders ...

Oct 7, 2015

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Tuesday, 06 October 2015

Don’t outlaw free speech, May warned: ANDREW PIERCE’S conference diary The Daily Mail

Oct 6, 2015

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Government anti-terror plans could criminalise same-sex marriage opponents

The Government’s proposed counter-extremism strategy could hit those who object to same-sex marriage, ...

Oct 1, 2015

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Monday, 28 September 2015

Laws against ‘extremism’ risk criminalising us all The Daily Telegraph

Sep 28, 2015

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British values enforcer suggests it’s illegal to voice opposition to same-sex marriage

Do you believe same-sex marriage is wrong? OK, well that’s your business. Want to actually say that out loud? ...

Sep 22, 2015

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Against gay marriage? You’re a Neanderthal! – so said the Prime Minister…

If you believe marriage is between one man and one woman, you are making a “Neanderthal judgement” on ...

Sep 17, 2015

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What does Northern Ireland need right now? Gay marriage, according to Labour

While Northern Irish politicians debate the way ahead for Stormont, one Labour MP has said what he thinks ...

Sep 10, 2015

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Wednesday, 09 September 2015

Labour to back calls for gay marriage referendum in Northern Ireland The Guardian

Sep 9, 2015

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