Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Same-sex marriage: ‘A David and Goliath struggle for the soul of Ireland’

Commentators in the Irish press are increasingly waking up to the fact that redefining marriage in the country ...

May 21, 2015

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‘Profound questions raised’: Media responds to Ashers ruling

It’s not every day that national newspapers unite in raising concerns about a legal case involving cake. But ...

May 21, 2015

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Irish gay marriage supporters running campaign of ‘intimidation and hate mongering’

Attention has been drawn to the intimidation and vitriol of the Yes campaign in Ireland ahead of the gay ...

May 21, 2015

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Wednesday, 20 May 2015

‘Gay cake’: US couple encourage Ashers Bakery to appeal ruling BBC Ashers verdict may be right in ...

May 20, 2015

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C4M responds to Ashers Baking Company defeat

Responding to yesterday’s ruling on Ashers Baking Company, Dr Sharon James said: “This is a deeply ...

May 20, 2015

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Ashers Baking Company loses: A sad day for marriage

Today is a sad day for supporters of marriage. It’s a very disappointing day for the family-run Ashers ...

May 19, 2015

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Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Dublin football star Ger Brennan: Why I’m voting No Irish Independent

May 15, 2015

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Irish sportsman: Despite the vitriol, I’m voting no on 22 May

Ger Brennan is a Gaelic footballer. He’s an All-Ireland winner. And he supports marriage between a man and a woman.

May 15, 2015

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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Equalities role for same-sex no vote MP Caroline Dinenage BBC

May 14, 2015

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New Equalities Minister bows to pressure on gay marriage

It seems a day is a long time when you’re the Equalities Minister. On Tuesday Caroline Dinenage – one of 136 ...

May 14, 2015

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C4M guide reveals impact same-sex marriage could have on Irish schools

What links two kings, two roommates and a duckling? They could all feature as gay characters in books for ...

May 12, 2015

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Irish referendum on gay marriage ‘one-sided, reckless and divisive’

A distinguished journalist and author has written an open letter to the Irish Prime Minister accusing him of ...

May 8, 2015

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