Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Don’t make gay marriage a priority, say voters Sunday Telegraph, 11 March 2012 Editorial: Gay marriage is a ...

Mar 12, 2012

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Saturday, 10 March 2012

Charles Moore: Marriage affects everything and there’s no need to change it Daily Telegraph, 10 March 2012

Mar 12, 2012

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The Sun calls for a referendum on redefining marriage

Britain’s biggest selling daily newspaper, The Sun, has called for a national referendum on whether to ...

Mar 9, 2012

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UKIP supports civil partnerships, but says redefining marriage is a step too far

The National Executive of UKIP has issued a statement saying it opposes government plans to change the ...

Mar 8, 2012

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Thursday, 08 March 2012

Poll suggests 70 per cent oppose gay marriage Daily Telegraph, 08 March 2012 ‘Survey snub’ for gay marriage ...

Mar 8, 2012

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New poll: 70% say don’t redefine marriage

A new national poll, published today, shows that 70% don’t want marriage to be redefined. It shows that the ...

Mar 8, 2012

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Wednesday, 07 March 2012

Church stance on gay marriage “for good of society”, says Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali Daily Telegraph, 07 March ...

Mar 7, 2012

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Guardian’s Michael White: redefining marriage is not wise

In a measured article, the Guardian’s Michael White reflects on the recent debate about redefining marriage ...

Mar 6, 2012

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Five million Catholics urged to oppose the redefinition of marriage

A letter will be read out at every Catholic parish church this weekend urging England’s five million ...

Mar 6, 2012

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Tuesday, 06 March 2012

We must protect true meaning of marriage, says Roman Catholic leader Daily Telegraph, 06 March 2012 Editorial: ...

Mar 6, 2012

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Andrew Marr: Redefining marriage may be to Cameron what fox hunting was to Blair

The BBC’s Andrew Marr said on his Sunday morning TV show that redefining marriage may dog David ...

Mar 5, 2012

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National petition for marriage passes 100,000 milestone …and still growing

The national petition launched by the Coalition for Marriage (C4M), has been signed by more than 100,000 in ...

Mar 5, 2012

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