Continuing to contend for marriage

Aug 7, 2024

Marriage between one man and one woman is unique. Everything else is either a parody or poor imitation of that great union. Current legislation and case law protect our right to hold and express these beliefs. This must never change.

There are potential clouds on the horizon. The new Labour Government intends to abandon planned laws to protect free speech on university campuses. This raises concern that we might be heading towards a society that no longer supports alternative views – including on marriage and sexuality.

There’s again talk of changing marriage law along the lines proposed by the Law Commission, which we warned at the time risked undermining the seriousness of the marriage ceremony.

And, as we’ve written previously, the Government plans a new law against so-called conversion practices. If broadly drafted, this could criminalise even peaceful expressions of real marriage beliefs by parents and religious leaders.

Notwithstanding these developments, supporters of real marriage must stay vigilant and defend our rights of expression by using them wherever we can.

With the stakes higher than ever, our voices must be heard. That’s why C4M exists. Together, we can and will see real marriage restored to its rightful place in society.