Oct 2, 2024

Pensioners could soon be invited to identify as transgender, even if they’ve lived their entire lives according to their biological sex. This bizarre guidance, now being distributed to care homes in Sussex, is part of a taxpayer-funded project. Staff are directed to ask elderly residents, “What pronouns do you use?” and to wear pronoun badges and rainbow lanyards. The idea is to never “make assumptions” about a person’s gender, as they can supposedly “switch identity” at will.

This absurd policy was funded by a £70,000 grant from a Department of Health-funded body and has already raised concerns among critics like Elaine Miller, a physiotherapist who works with the elderly. Miller warns that forcing such an ideology on care homes has the “potential to get very, very messy” and calls it “an ideological approach where it just doesn’t belong.”

Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. Recently, plans were unveiled for the UK’s first LGBTQ+ specific care home, built to cater to older individuals who identify as such. While it’s essential that all elderly people receive dignified care, this focus on personal identity highlights a deeper issue—how modern ideologies risk undermining the fundamental support systems provided by family.

Traditional marriage between a man and a woman has long fostered strong, multigenerational family networks, providing not only love and companionship but practical support in later life. By elevating individual identity over the value of family, we risk isolating the elderly from the very support systems that naturally care for them as they age.

At C4M, we believe there is hope. By promoting marriage, we also promote these vital family networks—ensuring that people grow old surrounded by their loved ones. A flourishing society rests on these strong family foundations, and we will continue to champion the timeless truths of marriage for generations to come.