Sep 7, 2024

I had a very encouraging conversation with Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, founder of the Ruth Institute and author of The Sexual State. Dr Morse is a well-known American speaker, commentator and author, who provides valuable insights on the critical importance of promoting real marriage. I encourage you to listen to the full interview, which is available here.

While the sexual revolution has led to increased state intervention and confusion in matters of family and identity, Dr Morse offers a clear path forward. She reminds us that marriage, as the institution that connects parents to their children, is essential for maintaining a healthy society. By upholding the natural, gendered structure of marriage, we can protect the family and give children the best chance to thrive. As Dr Morse says, “Having children is the most gendered thing we do,” and marriage remains the foundation for connecting generations.

She also addresses the inequalities created by state policies that prioritise adult desires over children’s rights. Dr Morse argues that true ‘radical equality’ is only possible when every child has access to their biological mother and father. Supporting traditional marriage ensures that children can benefit from this stability, which leads to better outcomes for society as a whole.

Dr Morse’s message is both inspiring and practical: if we intentionally promote and defend the family, we can counter the damaging effects of the sexual revolution. She encourages everyone to stand firm, knowing that “sexual disorder is extremely toxic” and has wide-reaching consequences. By championing marriage, we create stronger, more resilient communities, she says.

C4M has a positive and hopeful vision for the future. As long as we stay committed to upholding marriage as the union of one man and one woman, we can ensure that families flourish and society remains grounded in objective truth.