This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.
Ashers gay cake case to go before UK Supreme Court
Northern Irish bakers who were sued for refusing to decorate a cake with a pro same-sex marriage campaign ...
Cameron’s export of gay marriage interferes with Australian democracy
David Cameron may have left power months ago, but his legacy lives on. The BBC has been trumpeting same-sex ...
Temporary marriage: No longer ’till death us do part’?
The well-known author and academic Jeanette Winterson has called for fixed-term marriages. Professor Winterson ...
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Supreme Court judge: Marriage, religious liberty under attack Lifesitenews
Supporters of traditional marriage are being treated as ‘bigots’
A top judge in the US has warned of hostility to traditional marriage supporters. Supreme Court Justice Samuel ...
You won’t believe what happened when these people opposed same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage was pushed through the UK Parliament on a wave of fashionable opinion. Endorsed ...
Kids could be taught about gay marriage under Relationships Education plans
MPs have given the go-ahead to controversial new plans for Relationships Education in primary schools across ...
‘Marriage-lite’ case fails at Court of Appeal
A heterosexual couple who want a civil partnership have lost their case in the Court of Appeal.
We turn 5 today
On 20 February 2012, Coalition for Marriage and its national petition were launched. Within 1 day, 15,000 ...
‘Equality Oath’ threatens supporters of traditional marriage
The Government has backed the alarming idea of introducing an ‘Equality Oath’ for everyone who holds public ...
Tuesday, 13 February 2017
Our excluded need to feel more British, and we can help them The Times