Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Scottish Government targeting those teaching “the importance of marriage”, church leaders warn

The Scottish Government has been urged to rethink its plan for a highly repressive ‘conversion therapy’ ban, ...

Apr 12, 2023

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Real marriage is the ‘powerhouse of society’

Roman Catholic hospital chaplain Fr Patrick Pullicino has recently been awarded £10,000 by an NHS trust after ...

Apr 8, 2023

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Tackling Big Tech’s raid on real marriage

Jason Thacker heads up technology research for the Southern Baptist Convention. He’s an expert in public ...

Apr 1, 2023

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Starmer hesitating on gender self-ID

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer signalled a shift in his party’s transgender stance last week, saying lessons ...

Mar 29, 2023

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Real marriage and crime – Dr Mark Pickering interview

Dr Mark Pickering, an experienced GP and CEO of the Christian Medical Fellowship, regularly visits prisons and ...

Mar 25, 2023

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Motion putting pressure on Church of England passed by MPs

Yesterday, Ben Bradshaw MP’s ‘ten minute rule motion’ aimed at forcing the Church of England to conduct ...

Mar 22, 2023

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Parliament must not rip up promises to protect churches

Labour MP Ben Bradshaw has tabled a ‘ten minute rule motion’ aimed at forcing the Church of England to conduct ...

Mar 18, 2023

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Parental alarm over graphic sex ed lessons triggers Govt review

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has ordered an urgent review of sex education after being provided with a dossier ...

Mar 15, 2023

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‘Science shows benefits of man-woman marriage’

Dr Joe Malone, a popular speaker on US university campuses, has researched the scientific basis for the ...

Mar 11, 2023

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Feminist author says marriage is key to social stability

A leading feminist author has said that after years of living in a lesbian commune she only found true peace ...

Mar 8, 2023

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Welsh mums challenge Government over ‘attack on innocence’

A group of Welsh mums are taking on the Government over the right to decide what their children are taught ...

Mar 4, 2023

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Can only gay marriage supporters hold high office?

Does disagreeing with same-sex marriage disqualify someone from top public office? That’s what many have been ...

Mar 1, 2023

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