Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Pride: The anti-marriage platform

June is Pride Month. You can’t have missed it. Every bank, company and shop seems to have adorned their logo ...

Jun 29, 2023

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Badenoch intervenes over teacher who backed cat identity for kids

Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch has written to Ofsted to ask for a snap inspection of Rye College, the ...

Jun 28, 2023

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Cameron: My wife persuaded me to back gay marriage

David Cameron has boasted of how “proud” he is to have introduced same-sex marriage ten years ago. In his ...

Jun 24, 2023

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Labour shadow minister calls for protection of single-sex spaces

The erosion of women-only spaces by transgender ideology is “utterly devastating”, Labour’s Shadow Domestic ...

Jun 21, 2023

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Psychiatrist speaks up for marriage

Dr Nick Land is an experienced psychiatrist and former medical director of a large mental health organisation. ...

Jun 17, 2023

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Hague cheerleads non-traditional families

Opponents of real marriage have been pushing back after the National Conservatism conference thrust family ...

Jun 14, 2023

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Aaron Edwards – Sacked for supporting real marriage

Aaron Edwards, a former Bible college lecturer, is paying a high personal and professional price for standing ...

Jun 10, 2023

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Press: Oxfam mocks JK Rowling over gender views

Oxfam stands widely accused in the press of targeting JK Rowling in a Pride cartoon video. The video features ...

Jun 7, 2023

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Africa defies western assault on family values

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Judy Green, an advocate for traditional marriage values in East ...

Jun 3, 2023

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‘Witch Hunt’ into equalities chair halted after integrity concerns

It seems that those who hold to traditional views, such as the biological reality of male and female, are ...

May 31, 2023

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Help “stop the decay” of society by promoting real marriage

The significance of man-woman marriage to the fabric of our society is emphasised by respected writer and ...

May 27, 2023

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Danny Kruger MP speaks out for marriage

Marriage between a man and a woman is “the only possible basis for a safe and successful society”, a ...

May 24, 2023

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