Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Marriage-wrecker’s charter has led to record number of divorce applications

Divorce applications in England and Wales rose 22% to their highest level for a decade as the arrival of ...

Oct 8, 2022

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US Supreme Court asked to properly protect marriage beliefs

Will supporters of real marriage ever be free to live in line with their convictions without harassment from ...

Oct 5, 2022

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PayPal backs down on censorship

US financial technology company PayPal has been in the news in the past few weeks for all the wrong reasons. ...

Oct 1, 2022

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Former Queen’s Chaplain on our “philosophically and theologically incoherent society”

A former Honorary Chaplain to Her Late Majesty the Queen, Dr Gavin Ashenden is a vocal proponent of one man, ...

Sep 28, 2022

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Report highlights CofE divisions on same-sex marriage

Will the Church of England abandon its historic position and embrace same-sex marriage? That burning question ...

Sep 24, 2022

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US court: Wedding photographers protected by compelled speech law

Do people who provide services for weddings, such as photographers and bakers, have to provide them for ...

Sep 8, 2022

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Children’s Commissioner ducks importance of marriage

The Children’s Commissioner for England this week accused successive governments of being “squeamish” about ...

Sep 3, 2022

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Interview: Revd Andrew Symes

The Western Anglican Church is “inclined to abandon God’s standard” on marriage. That’s the view of Revd ...

Aug 27, 2022

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Tory leadership: Marriage update

We promised to keep you up to date with what the candidates for the Conservative Party leadership say ...

Aug 24, 2022

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Interview with Sharon James: The case against the sexual revolution

This week I’m joined by Dr Sharon James, to review Louise Perry’s important new book, ‘The Case Against the ...

Aug 20, 2022

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There’s life in marriage yet

Reports of the ‘end of marriage’ are greatly exaggerated. It’s true that for the first time since records ...

Aug 17, 2022

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Interview: What’s the future of marriage?

This week I catch up with Piers Shepherd from the Family Education Trust (FET), to find out more about their ...

Aug 13, 2022

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