Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Danny Kruger MP speaks out for marriage

Marriage between a man and a woman is “the only possible basis for a safe and successful society”, a ...

May 24, 2023

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Standing for ‘The Invincible Family’ – Interview with Kimberly Ells

I had the privilege of interviewing Kimberly Ells, author of the compelling book, ‘The Invincible Family: Why ...

May 20, 2023

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New figures show impact of lockdowns on marriage

2020 was a year many would like to forget. Though the sun shone often in the first lockdown that spring, the ...

May 18, 2023

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Times newspaper pays substantial damages to lawyer ridiculed for taking on man-woman marriage case

The Times has issued an apology (£) and paid “substantial damages” to Dinah Rose KC, who represented the ...

May 16, 2023

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Victory for Maureen and real marriage!

Last August, you heard the inspiring story of Maureen Martin, a former mayoral candidate, who lost her job ...

May 13, 2023

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‘Nothing special about marriage’, says C of E report

The Church of England has been accused of abandoning marriage by claiming it is no better than cohabitation ...

May 10, 2023

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Stay-at-home mum speaks out – Anne Fennell interview

I recently had the privilege of speaking with Anne Fennell, Chair of ‘Mothers At Home Matter’ (MAHM), an ...

May 6, 2023

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‘I defend marriage because I care about people’ – David Robertson interview

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Rev David Robertson, former Moderator of the Free Church of ...

Apr 29, 2023

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Women’s Institute faces member backlash for admitting men

The Women’s Institute has come under fire this month for forcing local branches to admit transgender ‘women’. ...

Apr 26, 2023

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Hungary promotes man-woman marriage and weddings double

In Hungary, as in European countries such as Poland, Greece, and Italy, only man-woman marriage is permitted. ...

Apr 22, 2023

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Stonewall’s census question exaggerated trans numbers

The transgender population of the UK may have been overestimated in the census, experts have said. The ...

Apr 19, 2023

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Academic speaks out on free speech and treatment of marriage

Dr James Orr, an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Religion at Cambridge University and a renowned ...

Apr 15, 2023

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