Aug 21, 2024

British society is facing a critical moment in the battle for our children’s minds. The removal of gender from marriage has unleashed a broader agenda that now threatens the fabric of our educational system. In the UK, the situation is becoming increasingly dire, with new developments undermining the values we hold dear.

A particularly troubling move is the appointment of a radical feminist to review school curriculums in England and Wales. This is indicative of a worrying shift in our educational priorities, with forces now pushing for laws that could penalise those who do not affirm LGBTQ ideology.

In contrast, Bulgaria’s Parliament recently took a strong stand by banning the promotion of LGBTQ ideology in classrooms. This is a crucial step in protecting children from being indoctrinated with views that undermine the natural understanding of gender and marriage.

The connection between the redefinition of marriage and the current assault on gender in the classroom is clear. Once marriage was redefined, the floodgates were opened for the deconstruction of gender itself, and now our children are paying the price. The battle we are fighting is not just about preserving traditional marriage; it’s about safeguarding the minds and futures of our young people and society itself.

At C4M, we take a stand against this growing influence in our schools. Our children deserve to learn in an environment that respects the natural order of man-woman marriage and recognises the importance of biological reality. The future of our society depends on the values we instil in the next generation.