Blog & News

This section contains news and commentary from the Coalition for Marriage team. If you have a story to report then you can get in touch below.

Interview: Will Knowland – desire to weaken the family spreading in modern culture

Will Knowland was sacked from his position as an English Literature Master at the prestigious Eton College. He ...

Nov 19, 2022

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CofE Bishop says scrap historic marriage doctrine

One of the Church of England’s most senior bishops has called for the Church to abandon its historic support ...

Nov 16, 2022

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Interview: They want it to be illegal to teach about marriage

The Greater Love Declaration has so far been signed by over 1,100 church ministers and workers, ...

Nov 12, 2022

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Daniel Radcliffe – the world’s most ungrateful man?

Is Daniel Radcliffe the world’s most ungrateful man? That’s what many have been asking over the last ...

Nov 8, 2022

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Interview: The West must stick to marriage says North Korean escapee

North Korea is one of the most brutal totalitarian regimes in the world today, something which Timothy Cho – ...

Nov 5, 2022

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Sunak government concerned about inappropriate school materials

After a turbulent few weeks in politics, we now have a new Prime Minister and a new Education Secretary. What ...

Nov 2, 2022

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Interview: Evidence supporting marriage “stronger than ever”

Professor Brad Wilcox is a leading international authority on data around marriage and the family. Director of ...

Oct 29, 2022

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JK Rowling speaks out against Sturgeon’s trans plans

JK Rowling has been locked in a war of words with Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in recent weeks ...

Oct 26, 2022

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Interview: Marriage needs commitment and communication

Revd Paul and Christine Perkin have 40+ years experience in counselling hundreds of married couples and those ...

Oct 22, 2022

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Police warned off politically correct campaigns

Law-abiding citizens who hold to traditional beliefs on sex and marriage have sometimes found themselves ...

Oct 19, 2022

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Trans group scandals hit media

We are finally seeing some robust pushback against the spread of transgender ideology being pushed on ...

Oct 15, 2022

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Interview: Dr Michael Cook, editor of Mercatornet

The online magazine is an increasingly popular resource for contemporary articles ...

Oct 12, 2022

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